Wrike project management
by Wrike project management
Wrike project management software
Wrike is a cloud-based project management software that presents a range of tools to help teams plan, path, and control their work. It authorizes consumers to generate tasks, assign them to team members, and path progress in real-time. Wrike further offers a variety of project views, including Gantt charts, task lists, and calendars, to help consumers visualize their work and stay on top of deadlines.

Additionally, Wrike offers features like time tracking, resource management, and team collaboration tools, preparing it as a comprehensive solution for project management needs. It likewise integrates accompanying well-known tools like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and Salesforce, authorizing teams to streamline their workflows and increase efficiency.

Overall, Wrike is a powerful project management tool that can help teams of any size and industry to collaborate, control tasks, and organize their project management processes.

Wrike features
  • Task Management: Form tasks, assign them to team members, and path their progress in real-time.
  • Project Views: Select from miscellaneous project views like Gantt charts, Kanban boards, and calendars to visualize your project progress.
  • Time Tracking: Track time spent on tasks and projects to precisely bill clients or allocate resources.
  • Resource Management: Assign tasks and projects to team members based on their availability and workload.
  • Collaboration: Collaborate with accompanying team members by sharing files, leaving comments, and @mentioning colleagues.
Wrike alternatives
There are many project management software alternatives to Wrike, contingent upon your particular requirements and preferences. Here are a few common Wrike alternatives:

  •   Asana: A cloud-based project management software that offers features like task management, team collaboration, and project tracking.
  •   Trello: A well-known Kanban-based project management tool particularly easy to use and offers features like task management, team collaboration, and project tracking.
  •   Monday.com: A cloud-based project management tool that presents a variety of features like project tracking, task management, time tracking, and team collaboration.
  •   Basecamp: A project management software that offers features like task management, project tracking, team collaboration, and file sharing.
  •   Smartsheet: A cloud-based project management software that offers features like task management, team collaboration, and project tracking, further powerful spreadsheet capabilities.

Who uses Wrike?
Wrike is used by a various range of teams and organizations, containing marketing and creative teams, project managers, IT teams, product development teams, and more. It is particularly well-known among teams that demand collaboration and communication across various departments or teams, as Wrike supplies a centralized platform for task management and project tracking. Wrike is used by small to large trades, containing well-known companies like Hootsuite, Airbnb, and Google. Overall, any team or organization that needs a robust project management tool to help them organize their workflow and increase productivity can benefit from utilizing Wrike.
  • Free

This plan is offered for teams getting started free of cost i.e., $0 per user per month.

9.80 / month
  • Team

This plan is for growing teams at a pricing of $9.80 per user per month.

24.80 / month
  • Business

This plan is for all teams across an organization for $24.80 per user per month.

24.80 / month
  • Business

This plan is for all teams across an organization for $24.80 per user per month.

  • Enterprise: This plan is for large teams and has customizable pricing and you will have to contact the sales department to know the pricing.


  • Pinnacle: This plan is for teams with complex work needs and has a customizable pricing and you will have to contact the sales department to know the pricing.

Wrike task management
Wrike offers powerful task management features to help teams build, assign, and path tasks efficiently. Users can generate tasks and assign them to team members, set due dates, and path progress in real-time. Wrike further offers various views like Gantt charts and Kanban boards to help visualize tasks and prioritize work.
Wrike team collaboration
Wrike determines team collaboration tools like file sharing, @mentioning team members, and leaving comments, allowing teams to communicate and collaborate efficiently. Additionally, Wrike approves team members to view and edit tasks, providing a centralized platform for team collaboration.
Wrike project planning
Wrike offers a sort of project planning features like Gantt charts, calendars, and project views, acknowledging teams to plan and path their projects efficiently. Users can set project timelines, dependencies, and milestones, and monitor progress in real-time, guaranteeing project goals are achieved.
Wrike workflow automation
Wrike specifies workflow automation features like task and project templates, recurring tasks, and custom workflows, approving teams to automate routine processes and save time. Additionally, Wrike integrates accompanying additional tools, enabling teams to streamline their workflows and increase efficiency.
Wrike project tracking
Wrike offers project tracking features like real-time progress updates, status tracking, and time tracking, approving teams to monitor project progress effectively. Consumers can view task and project status, identify bottlenecks, and adjust plans as desired, ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget.
Wrike team productivity
Wrike’s task management, collaboration, and workflow automation features help teams boost their productivity by streamlining their workflow, removing redundancies, and providing real-time updates. Additionally, Wrike provides tools to help teams prioritize tasks, focus on high-value work, and meet project deadlines.
Wrike project management tools

Wrike determines a comprehensive set of project management tools like task management, project planning, collaboration, workflow automation, and project tracking, enabling teams to control their projects effectively. These tools help teams optimize their workflow, organize communication, and increase productivity, leading to better project outcomes.

Wrike project management system
Wrike is an effective project management system that supplies tools to control tasks, projects, and teams efficiently. With features like task management, collaboration, project planning, workflow automation, and project tracking, Wrike helps teams streamline their workflow, communicate effectively, and achieve their project objectives.
Wrike project management solution
Wrike is a comprehensive project management solution that supplies tools to plan, manage, and path projects efficiently. With features like task management, collaboration, workflow automation, and project tracking, Wrike helps teams improve their productivity, increase efficiency, and deliver high-quality projects on time and within budget.
Dynamics 365 CRM
Dynamics 365 CRM

Dynamics 365 CRM, also known as Customer Relationship Management, is a powerful tool that enables businesses to optimize their customer interactions and drive growth. With its comprehensive suite of features and functionalities, Dynamics 365 CRM offers organizations the ability to manage customer data, streamline sales processes, enhance customer service, and build lasting relationships.

Wrike comparisons
Wrike vs Smartsheet

Wrike is created for teams that require a centralized platform to control tasks, collaborate, and path projects effectively. It offers features like Gantt charts, task management, team collaboration, workflow automation, and project tracking.

Smartsheet, nevertheless, is a spreadsheet-based project management tool that presents features like task management, collaboration, project tracking, and powerful spreadsheet proficiencies. It is suitable for teams that desire to manage complex workflows, processes, and data.

Wrike vs Jira

Wrike is formed for teams that require a centralized platform to control tasks, collaborate, and path projects efficiently. It offers features like task management, team collaboration, Gantt charts, workflow automation, and project tracking.

Jira, on the other hand, is created for software development teams and presents features like issue tracking, agile project management, release management, and software development workflows.

Wrike vs Monday.com

Wrike is created for teams that demand a centralized platform to control tasks, collaborate, and path projects efficiently. It offers features like task management, team collaboration, Gantt charts, workflow automation, and project tracking.

Monday.com, in another way, is created for teams that require a flexible and customizable project management platform. It offers features like task management, team collaboration, project tracking, and a visual drag-and-drop interface.

Why should we pick Wrike?
Additional features to pick Wrike are:

  •   Customizable Dashboards: Create personalized dashboards to receive a quick overview of project progress, tasks, and team performance.
  •   Integrations: Wrike integrates accompanying well-known tools like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and Salesforce to organize workflows.
  •   Reports and Analytics: Generate reports and path metrics like project progress, task completion rate, and team performance.

Wrike reviews
Wrike mainly receives positive reviews from consumers for its powerful project management features, ease of use, and excellent customer support. Users appreciate the assortment of features that Wrike offers, containing task management, team collaboration, project planning, workflow automation, and project tracking. They further find the user interface intuitive and easy to navigate. However, few consumers have reported that the pricing structure can be confusing, and the learning curve for a few of the more advanced features may be steep. Overall, Wrike is considered a reliable and effective project management tool by many users.
Review Form
Wrike is an effective and comprehensive project management tool that supplies a type of features to control tasks, collaborate with team members, automate workflows, plan projects, and path progress. With its intuitive user interface and excellent consumer support, Wrike is a popular choice between teams of all sizes and industries. Although the pricing structure may be confusing, and the learning curve for a few advanced features can be steep, overall, Wrike is considered a reliable and effective project management solution that helps teams improve their productivity, efficiency, and project outcomes.
Alternative Software

ProjectLibre stands out as a powerful, free, and open-source project management software designed to simplify the planning, tracking, and control of projects. This versatile tool empowers users to create tasks, allocate resources, set deadlines, and monitor progress through visual aids such as Gantt charts and network diagrams.


ProjectManager.com emerges as a dynamic web-based project management software, offering teams the tools they need to plan, track, and collaborate on projects in real-time. This versatile platform encompasses a range of features, including task management, resource allocation, team communication, time tracking, and reporting.


ProWorkflow stands out as a cloud-based project management software designed to streamline project workflows for teams and businesses. It provides a comprehensive set of tools, including task management, time tracking, collaboration, invoicing, and reporting, to help organizations stay organized and efficient.

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