Email Deliverability: Best Practices to Avoid the Spam Folder


There is no denying that Gmail is the most popular email service with more than 1.8 billion users. Increase your chances of successfully reaching them because it’s likely that many of the subscribers on your business lists have Gmail addresses. Your communications will be more likely to be delivered if you understand the filters and standards Gmail uses to assess if an email is genuine.

  • Email deliverability is crucial for ensuring that your emails reach your subscribers' inboxes and avoid being marked as spam. Here are some best practices to follow to avoid the spam folder:
  • Build a quality email list: Use opt-in forms to build a quality email list of subscribers who have given explicit permission to receive your emails. Avoid purchasing email lists or sending unsolicited emails.
  • Use a reputable email service provider (ESP): Choose an ESP with a good reputation and deliverability rates. Use their best practices and guidelines to ensure your emails are properly authenticated and comply with email regulations.
  • Authenticate your emails: Use authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to verify that your emails are from a legitimate source and improve your email deliverability.
  • Avoid spam triggers: Avoid using spam trigger words, such as "buy now," "discount," or "limited time offer," in your subject lines and content. Avoid using excessive punctuation, all caps, or excessive use of exclamation points.
  • Monitor your email reputation: Regularly monitor your email reputation by checking your sender score and feedback loop data. Identify and address any complaints or spam reports promptly.
  • Segment your email list: Segment your email list based on demographics, behaviors, or interests, and send targeted and relevant content to each group.
  • Test your emails: Test your emails before sending them to your entire list. Use email testing tools to check your email's deliverability and make sure they are rendering correctly across various devices.
email deliverability best practices
Email deliverability refers to the ability of your emails to reach your subscribers’ inboxes and avoid being marked as spam. Here are some best practices to improve your email deliverability:

Build a quality email list: Use opt-in forms to build a quality email list of subscribers who have given explicit permission to receive your emails. Avoid purchasing email lists or sending unsolicited emails.

Use a reputable email service provider (ESP): Choose an ESP with a good reputation and deliverability rates. Use their best practices and guidelines to ensure your emails are properly authenticated and comply with email regulations.

Authenticate your emails: Use authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to verify that your emails are from a legitimate source and improve your email deliverability.

Avoid spam triggers: Avoid using spam trigger words, such as “buy now,” “discount,” or “limited time offer,” in your subject lines and content. Avoid using excessive punctuation, all caps, or excessive use of exclamation points.

Monitor your email reputation: Regularly monitor your email reputation by checking your sender score and feedback loop data. Identify and address any complaints or spam reports promptly.

Segment your email list: Segment your email list based on demographics, behaviors, or interests, and send targeted and relevant content to each group.

Test your emails: Test your emails before sending them to your entire list. Use email testing tools to check your email’s deliverability and make sure they are rendering correctly across various devices.

Follow email regulations: Ensure that your emails comply with email regulations, such as the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States, and include an unsubscribe link and your physical address.

Monitor your email frequency: Avoid sending too many emails in a short period, as this can trigger spam filters and decrease your email deliverability.

email spam prevention techniques
  • Make use of a trustworthy email service provider (ESP): Choose an ESP with a solid track record and high delivery rates. To make sure your emails are properly verified and adhere to email standards, use their best practices and guidelines.
  • Authenticate your emails: To ensure that your emails come from a reliable source and increase email deliverability, use authentication methods like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.
  • Avoid using spam trigger words in your content and subject lines. Examples of spam trigger words include "buy now," "discount," and "limited-time offer." Don't overuse the punctuation.
  • Segment your email list: Provide tailored and pertinent information to each segment of your email list depending on their interests, actions, or demographics.
  • Double-click to confirm that subscribers wish to receive your emails by using double-click. This makes it easier to make sure that the only subscribers on your email list are active and interested.
  • Check your sender score and feedback loop data regularly to keep tabs on your email reputation. Recognize and swiftly respond to any complaints or spam reports.
  • Give an unsubscribe link: Make it simple for subscribers to opt out by including an unsubscribe link in your emails. By doing this, complaints are decreased and your emails are not flagged as spam.
  • Follow email regulations: Ensure that your emails contain an unsubscribe link and your physical address and that they adhere to email standards, such as the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States.
  • Avoid using purchased email lists: Sending unsolicited emails or buying email lists might lead to a lot of complaints and harm your email reputation.
email deliverability monitoring tools
  • Sender Score is a free service from Return Path that gives your email-sending IP address a reputation score. Also, it offers advice on how to enhance your email reputation.
  • Microsoft SNDS: A free tool from Microsoft that offers data on your reputation as an email sender, including details on the volume, frequency, and bounce rates of spam complaints.
  • Google Postmaster Tools: A free Google tool that offers information on the deliverability of your emails to Gmail users. It offers details on domain authentication, email encryption, and spam complaints.
  • Deliverability testing, spam testing, and mailbox placement testing are all available through the commercial product known as Email on Acid.
  • Deliverability testing, spam testing, and mailbox placement testing are all available through the commercial product known as Email on Acid.
  • GlockApps: A premium tool that provides email testing and monitoring services, such as email renderability testing across different email clients, spam testing, and email deliverability testing.
  • Litmus: A paid tool that provides email testing and monitoring services, including email renderability testing across different email clients and devices, spam testing, and email deliverability testing.
Email reputation management tips
To make sure that your emails reach your subscribers’ inboxes and are not flagged as spam, managing your email reputation is essential. The following advice can help you manage your email reputation:

Keep track of email performance indicators, such as open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates, on a regular basis. Take corrective action if you notice any problems that might be impeding the delivery of your emails.

Maintain a clean email list: Delete inactive subscribers, bounced email addresses, and spam complaints frequently to keep your email list clean. Your email deliverability can be increased and the likelihood of being labelled as spam can be decreased with a clean email list.

Segment your email list: Provide tailored and pertinent information to each segment of your email list depending on their interests, actions, or demographics. This can increase engagement and lessen the chance that subscribers will designate your emails as spam.

Employ authentication protocols: To ensure that your emails are coming from a reliable source and increase email deliverability, use authentication methods like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.

Avoid using spam trigger words in your content and subject lines. Examples of such words include “buy now,” “discount,” and “limited-time offer.” Be careful not to overuse exclamation points, all caps, or excessive punctuation.

Provide your readers with valuable content and offers in your emails that they will find interesting and useful. This can increase engagement and lessen the chance that subscribers will designate your emails as spam.

Double-click to confirm that subscribers wish to receive your emails by using double-click. This makes it easier to make sure that the only subscribers on your email list are active and interested.

You may effectively manage your email reputation and boost the effectiveness of your email marketing by paying attention to these pointers. As a result, your company may see an increase in engagement, conversions, and earnings.


In conclusion, the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns depends on the deliverability of your emails. You may boost the likelihood that your emails will reach your subscribers’ inboxes and avoid being classified as spam by adhering to recommended practices to prevent the spam folder. Maintaining a clean email list, employing authentication procedures, staying away from spam trigger phrases, adding value to your communications, and routinely tracking email performance are all important practices. You can increase email deliverability, and engagement, and ultimately produce better outcomes for your organisation by putting these ideas into practice.

AuthorLeo Leo

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