Sendinblue vs ActiveCampaign: Comparing Two Popular Email Marketing Tools:

Two well-known email marketing platforms, Sendinblue and ActiveCampaign, provide several capabilities to assist companies in developing and managing successful email campaigns. To assist you in selecting the best one for you, the following comparison of these two tools is provided:

  • Features: Email templates, automation workflows, A/B testing, and analytics are just a few of the capabilities that both Sendinblue and ActiveCampaign offers. Nevertheless, ActiveCampaign also has more sophisticated capabilities like SMS marketing, lead scoring, and CRM.
  • With a user-friendly UI and an easier setup procedure, Sendinblue is usually thought to be more user-friendly than ActiveCampaign. On the other hand, ActiveCampaign might be more complicated to set up and requires more technical expertise.
  • Pricing: ActiveCampaign does not have a free plan, but it does provide a 14-day free trial. Sendinblue offers a free plan with basic email features. Based on the number of contacts and the capabilities offered, both tools have tiered price structures.
  • Integrations: Sendinblue and ActiveCampaign both have integrations with well-known applications like Shopify, Salesforce, and WordPress. But, ActiveCampaign has more total integrations, such as Facebook and Zapier
  • integrations.Support: ActiveCampaign provides email, live chat, and phone assistance; Sendinblue just provides email support and a knowledge base.
  • Sendinblue and ActiveCampaign both offer email and SMS campaign creation and automation options. However, ActiveCampaign has a more advanced email editor and offers SMS integration through third-party apps. ActiveCampaign’s marketing automation capabilities are more extensive with advanced segmentation and conditional logic. ActiveCampaign’s CRM is more comprehensive, including lead scoring and deal tracking, compared to Sendinblue’s basic CRM features. Sendinblue offers native integrations with popular platforms like Shopify and Salesforce, but ActiveCampaign has more integrations overall. ActiveCampaign provides more detailed reporting and analytics for campaign and automation performance tracking. In summary, Sendinblue is a more affordable and straightforward option, while ActiveCampaign is more feature-rich with advanced automation capabilities and a comprehensive CRM.

ActiveCampaign email segmentation:
With the help of ActiveCampaign’s robust email segmentation features, you can deliver targeted and customised messages to different subscriber groups. The procedures for creating email segmentation in ActiveCampaign are as follows:

Establish your segmentation standards: Establish the criteria you’ll use to divide up your email list first. This can include any relevant information you have gathered from your subscribers, such as demographic information, patterns of behaviour, and hobbies.

Build a segment: In ActiveCampaign, select the “Contacts” tab and then click “Segments” after defining your segmentation criteria. Choose the criteria you wish to use to create the segment by clicking on “New Segment.”

Contacts can be added to the segment after it has been established by choosing the “Contacts” tab and clicking on “All Contacts.” Click “Add to Segment” after choosing the contacts that adhere to your segmentation criteria.

Build customised campaigns: Once your segment has been established and filled with contacts, you can make targeted email messages that are tailored to the interests or habits of each recipient. Additionally, you can use automation workflows to send triggered emails in response to particular behaviours or activities.

Finally, keep an eye on and evaluate the outcomes of your email campaigns to determine how effective your segmentation is. Track open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics using ActiveCampaign’s analytics to determine how effective your focused campaigns are

By using email segmentation in ActiveCampaign, you can send more targeted and personalized emails to your subscribers, resulting in higher engagement and better results for your business.

ActiveCampaign and Sendinblue both provide email segmentation features for delivering personalized content to specific subscriber groups. However, ActiveCampaign’s segmentation is more advanced and enables the creation of targeted messages based on user behavior, demographics, and interests, along with conditional logic for more intricate segmentation rules based on engagement. In contrast, Sendinblue’s segmentation is limited to contact properties, engagement history, and website activity, with only some automation capabilities based on segmentation. Thus, if you require advanced segmentation and automation for your email marketing, ActiveCampaign is the superior option. However, if basic segmentation capabilities suffice, Sendinblue may be a more cost-effective and simpler choice.

Sendinblue email personalization
You may build individualised email campaigns that connect with your subscribers using Sendinblue’s strong email personalisation features. The procedures to establish email customization in Sendinblue are as follows:

  • Get pertinent information: Gather pertinent information about your subscribers, such as their name, location, interests, or any other information that will help you tailor your emails to them.
  • Once the information has been gathered, establish custom fields in Sendinblue for each data point. To hold the first names of subscribers, for instance, you may build a custom field called “First Name.”
  • Employ personalization tags to pull information from your custom fields into your email content. For instance, you can include subscribers’ first names in your email message by using the tag “contact.firstname.”
  • Test and preview your email to make sure the personalisation tags are functioning properly before sending it. To verify that the customised content is displayed properly, send a test email to yourself or a colleague.
  • When you’re ready to send your email to your subscribers, test it out first and then preview it. Use Sendinblue’s segmentation features to send personalised emails to particular subscriber groups based on their preferences, actions, or any other pertinent information.
  • You may design more pertinent and interesting email campaigns that resonate with your readers by using Sendinblue’s email personalisation feature. Customization can increase engagement overall, click-through rates, and open rates, which will benefit your company’s performance.
  • Both Sendinblue and ActiveCampaign allow you to personalize emails for your subscribers, but ActiveCampaign offers more advanced email personalization options. ActiveCampaign’s personalization capabilities are extensive, using subscriber data like behavior, interests, and demographics to deliver highly targeted messages. Additionally, ActiveCampaign provides conditional content blocks that enable customization of email content based on subscriber behavior and engagement. Sendinblue provides basic personalization options like adding a subscriber’s name or location to email content, but they are not as many as ActiveCampaign’s options. Therefore, if you require advanced email personalization features, ActiveCampaign is the better option. On the other hand, if you only need basic personalization features, Sendinblue is a more affordable and straightforward choice.


Both Sendinblue and ActiveCampaign are well-known email marketing programmes with distinctive features and advantages of their own. Businesses searching for an economical, user-friendly email marketing tool with strong automation capabilities may consider Sendinblue. It’s a fantastic option for new users or small businesses on a budget because of its user-friendly interface, large template collection, and a simple email builder.

ActiveCampaign, on the other hand, is a more powerful and all-encompassing email marketing solution that offers sophisticated automation workflows, email segmentation, and tailored content capabilities. For companies seeking extensive marketing automation features like lead scoring, behaviour monitoring, and sophisticated segmentation abilities, it is a superior choice.

When deciding between Sendinblue and ActiveCampaign, it’s important to consider your business needs and budget. If you’re just starting out or have a limited budget, Sendinblue may be a great option. But if you’re looking for more advanced features and have a larger budget, ActiveCampaign may be a better fit. Ultimately, both tools can help you create effective email campaigns and drive better results for your business.

, Sendinblue might be a better option for companies searching for a user-friendly email marketing solution with minimal capabilities and reasonable cost. ActiveCampaign, on the other hand, might be a better option for companies needing more sophisticated capabilities like CRM and lead scoring and are prepared to put more time and effort into their email marketing campaigns.

Alternative Post For You

Campaign Monitor and GetResponse are reputable email marketing platforms with a solid set of features and ease of use. Campaign Monitor is known for its visually appealing design and customization options, while GetResponse offers a broader range of integrations and additional features like CRM and Autofunnel.

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