By OnlineChat
About OnlineChat
To provide full live chat assistance for website owners, OnlineChat Centers offers a variety of capabilities across its many account types. While particular features may differ depending on the account version. OnlineChat Centers offers a customizable live chat widget that can be put on your website and allows visitors to begin chat discussions.
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OnlineChat features
  • Chat Agents: Depending on the account version, you may assign some chat agents to address client inquiries and give real-time help.
  • Chat Routing and Distribution: Advanced OnlineChat Center versions provide intelligent routing and distribution of chat requests among available agents, guaranteeing effective processing of client inquiries.
  • Customization choices: The platform provides several customization choices to fit the design of the chat widget.
  • Pre-Chat and Post-Chat Surveys: Using pre-chat and post-chat surveys, you may collect vital client input, allowing you to analyze customer happiness and enhance your services.
  • File Sharing: During chat sessions, OnlineChat Centers allow agents and consumers to exchange papers, photos, or other relevant assets.
  • Canned Responses: You may build pre-written responses for commonly requested inquiries, allowing chat workers to respond to typical inquiries quickly and consistently.
  • Reporting & Analytics: Advanced reporting options let you assess and improve your chat support performance by providing insights into chat volume, response times, customer satisfaction, and other vital indicators.
OnlineChat alternatives
While OnlineChat Centers is one option for providing live chat assistance to small businesses, numerous more are on the market. Here are a few popular alternatives to OnlineChat Centers, along with a quick comparison:


  • LiveChat: LiveChat is a popular live chat software that includes chat customization, proactive chat invites, chat routing, and connectivity with CRM and help desk systems. It has an easy-to-use UI and extensive reporting features. The number of seats/agents necessary determines the price.


  • Zendesk Chat: Zendesk Chat, originally known as Zopim, is Zendesk’s live chat service. Chat customization, chat routing, chat triggers, and proactive chat invites are all available. The integration with the Zendesk support system enables the generation of tickets and the administration of customers. The number of agents determines the price.


  • Intercom: Intercom is a customer messaging platform that includes live chat as well as email marketing, in-app messaging, and a knowledge base. It offers extensive targeting and segmentation capabilities, as well as chatbots and reporting tools. Pricing is determined by the number of users and the necessary additional features.


  • Olark: Olark is a simple live chat platform that includes chat customization, pre-conversation surveys, reporting, and connectivity with CRM systems. It provides an easy-to-use interface and low-cost pricing schemes based on the number of operators.

Who is OnlineChat For?
OnlineChat Centers and its alternative live chat solutions are intended to serve various organizations and sectors. The following are some of the common sorts of businesses and organizations that can benefit from introducing live chat support:


Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMBs): OnlineChatCenters and other live chat solutions are ideal for small and medium-sized enterprises with limited resources but a desire to deliver personalized and efficient customer assistance. Live chat may help small and medium-sized businesses improve customer engagement, increase conversions, and compete with larger competitors.


E-commerce Websites: Live chat assistance may benefit online merchants and e-commerce enterprises. It allows them to assist clients during the shopping process, respond to product inquiries, handle problems, and decrease cart abandonment. Live chat may help to improve the online buying experience, which can lead to greater sales and consumer happiness.


Live chat can be used by service-oriented organizations such as consulting firms, agencies, financial institutions, and healthcare providers to give real-time help to their clients. Live chat enables rapid and effective contact, appointment scheduling, answering inquiries, and giving support with service-related issues.


Software as a Service (SaaS) firms: As part of their customer success strategy, SaaS firms frequently include live chat assistance. It enables them to offer quick technical support, answer product-related queries, and walk consumers through the onboarding process.


Hotels, airlines, travel agencies, and other organizations in the travel and hospitality sector may use live chat to help consumers with booking queries, travel plans, and customer assistance while on the road.


  • One free operator

1 official website/department


A La Carte Add-Ons are just $2 each month.


  • Agent Software for the Web and Desktop


  • Scripted Messages


  • Reporting


  • The whole list of free features includes a 10-day Premium trial.


$5 per month for premium


  • 1 Supervisor


  • 1 official website/department


  • All Free features are included, as well as:


  • A La Carte Add-Ons are just $2 each month.


  • Chat Window Customization


  • Banners that can be customized


  • Language Translation in Real Time


  • Placed on Hold


  • Mode of Supervision


  • Reporting Expertise


Enterprise $50/month


  • All Free and Premium features are included, as well as:


  • Operators with an infinite number of options


  • Countless Websites / Departments


  • SSL encryption of 256 bits


  • URL Cloaking

Why Choose OnlineChat?
Online Chat Centers for small businesses: OnlineChat Centers offers stones for businesses looking to implement live chat support on their websites. They offer cost-effective account versions, easy setup, improved customer support, increased conversion rates, canned responses, reporting and analytics, and integration with CRM systems. These features can help small businesses enhance customer engagement and provide real-time assistance to website visitors.


Buy Online Chat Centers software online: OnlineChat Centers software for customer support can be purchased online by visiting the website, exploring the features, selecting the appropriate plan, reviewing pricing, adding to the cart or signing up, and completing the purchase process. After the purchase, instructions will be provided on accessing and setting up the software.


Online Chat Centers with CRM Integration: OnlineChat Centers offers CRM integration capabilities, allowing businesses to streamline customer data and provide a seamless customer support experience. Integrations with Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho CRM, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 can enable a unified view of customer interactions and enhance customer support and sales processes.


Online Chat Centers with social media integration: OnlineChat Centers may offer integration capabilities, allowing businesses to connect live chat support with popular social media platforms. These include Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Facebook Messenger enables customers to initiate chat sessions and provide real-time support. Twitter handles customer support queries, Instagram enhances customer support, and WhatsApp provides real-time customer support and engagement.

Free trial of Online Chat Centers: OnlineChat Centers has provided potential clients with a free trial time to try their program and sample its capabilities before purchasing. Businesses can use the free trial to see whether OnlineChatCenters match their unique demands and objectives.


Affordable Online Chat Centers software: OnlineChat Centers has several account types, including a Basic Account, intended to provide businesses with more reasonable price alternatives. The Basic Account is a low-cost option for offering live chat assistance without sacrificing critical capabilities. It’s a good choice for small enterprises or people on a tight budget.


OnlineChat Centers is a platform that provides comprehensive live chat assistance for website owners. It offers a variety of capabilities across its different account types. The platform features a customizable live chat widget that can be easily integrated into websites, enabling visitors to initiate chat discussions.

Online Chat Centers for customer support
OnlineChat Centers is a software platform that offers live chat solutions for customer support. It provides a customizable live chat widget, real-time communication, customization options, multiple chat agents, canned responses, proactive chat invitations, reporting and analytics, and integration with CRM systems. These features help businesses provide real-time customer assistance, enhance engagement, and improve overall customer satisfaction. Live Chat Widget: allows customers to initiate chat conversations with the support team. Real-time Communication: allows support agents to engage in real-time text-based conversations with customers.


Customization Options: This allows customization of the chat widget’s appearance and behavior to match the brand. Multiple Chat Agents: this allows multiple chat agents to handle customer support inquiries simultaneously. Canned Responses: helps save time for support agents. Proactive Chat Invitations: this allows customers to engage with customers and offer assistance proactively. Reporting and Analytics: help track chat volume, response times, customer satisfaction, and other key metrics. Integration with CRM Systems: allows for seamless transfer of chat data and customer information.

Best Online Chat Centers for E-commerce
There are various elements to consider when choosing the finest Online Chat Centres software for e-commerce, including e-commerce-specific features, the convenience of usage, integration possibilities, and affordability. Here are a few well-known Online Chat Centres’ software choices for e-commerce:


LiveChat: Because of its rich functionality and easy integration possibilities, LiveChat is a popular choice for e-commerce enterprises. Chat customization, proactive chat routing, and connectivity with prominent e-commerce systems Shopify, Magento, and WooComiis are all available.


Zendesk Chat: Zendesk Chat (previously Zopim) is another popular live chat software with e-commerce functionalities. Chat customization, chat triggers, chat routing, and interaction with prominent e-commerce systems are all available. It also has capabilities such as chatbots.


Intercom: Intercom is a customer communications that chat additional chat such as in-app messaging and email marketing. It supports extensive targeting and segmentation, chatbots, and interaction with leading e-commerce systems. Personalized communications and client involvement are possible with Intercom throughout the customer lifecycle.


Olark: Olark is a simple live chat program well-known for its ease of use. Customization possibilities, pre-chat surveys, interaction with prominent e-commerce platforms, and reporting functions are all available. Olark is best suited for small to medium-sized e-commerce firms that place a premium on simplicity and efficiency.

Add a Review to This Software
OnlineChat Centers offers live chat software designed to cater to various business needs, such as customer support for small businesses, e-commerce, and real-time-time communication, canned responses, proactive chat invitations, and reporting.
Alternative Software
Zendesk Chat

Zendesk Chat provides a full software solution created to improve customer interactions, increase happiness, and spur business growth. In this post, we'll examine Zendesk Chat's main features, advantages, cost, installation procedure, client feedback, and competitive products. This post will help you decide whether to adopt Zendesk Chat whether you own a small business, an online store, or a startup.

Zoho SalesIQ

Client service guarantees client happiness and loyalty in today's cutthroat business environment. Small businesses want efficient solutions to deliver top-notch customer service without breaking the wallet. Many companies can use The Zoho SalesIQ software in this situation. A complete customer interaction and support tool made especially for small enterprises is Zoho SalesIQ. In this post, we will examine the Zoho SalesIQ software's features, costs, advantages, client feedback, and installation instructions.


In today's highly competitive business landscape, providing exceptional customer support is essential for the success of any small business or e-commerce store. One software solution that has gained significant popularity in this domain is PureChat. PureChat software has emerged as a go-to option for businesses looking to enhance their customer support capabilities. In this article, we will explore the key features of PureChat, discuss why it is a top choice, identify its target audience, provide installation instructions, analyze its pricing structure.

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