By JivoChat
About JivoChat
JivoChat is an advanced live chat and customer support software that enables businesses to engage with website visitors in real time. With its easy-to-use interface and powerful features, JivoChat helps businesses streamline their customer support operations and enhance customer satisfaction. The software offers a range of communication channels, including live chat, phone calls, email, and social media messaging.
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JivoChat features
  • Multi-channel communication: JivoChat allows businesses to connect with customers through various channels, such as live chat, phone calls, email, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and more, providing a seamless and convenient experience for customers.
  • JivoChat software with AI capabilities: JivoChat incorporates artificial intelligence capabilities, enabling businesses to automate customer interactions through chatbots. These chatbots can handle basic inquiries, gather customer information, and route complex queries to human agents, increasing efficiency and reducing response times.
  • Visitor monitoring: The software provides real-time monitoring of website visitors, giving businesses valuable insights into their behavior, browsing patterns, and preferences. This information can be used to personalize interactions and provide tailored recommendations to visitors.
  • File sharing and screen sharing: JivoChat facilitates file sharing and screen sharing during customer interactions, allowing agents to provide visual assistance and resolve issues more effectively.
  • Team collaboration: JivoChat enables seamless collaboration among team members, allowing them to transfer chats, leave internal notes, and provide support to each other, ensuring a smooth customer experience.
JivoChat alternatives
While JivoChat offers an impressive range of features and benefits, there are several alternative customer support software options available in the market. Some notable alternatives include:


  • LiveChat: LiveChat is a popular customer support software that offers live chat, ticketing, and chatbot functionalities. It provides integration options, extensive reporting, and customization features.


  • Zendesk Chat: Zendesk Chat provides live chat software with features like chat routing, canned responses, and real-time monitoring. It integrates well with other Zendesk products for a comprehensive customer support solution.


  • Intercom: Intercom is a customer messaging platform that combines live chat, targeted messaging, and chatbot automation. It focuses on personalized customer engagement and offers integrations with popular CRM and marketing tools.

Who is JivoChat For?
JivoChat caters to a wide range of businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that aim to improve their customer support capabilities. It is suitable for:


  •  Best JivoChat software for e-commerce: JivoChat provides essential tools for online stores, such as live chat, customer engagement analytics, and AI-powered chatbots, enabling businesses to offer personalized support and increase conversions.


  •  Affordable JivoChat software for startups: JivoChat’s affordability, ease of use, and AI capabilities make it an attractive option for startups looking to establish efficient customer support from the beginning.


  • JivoChat software for small businesses: Whether it’s a consultancy firm, SaaS company, or any other service-oriented business, JivoChat can help streamline customer interactions, provide timely assistance, and build strong client relationships.

JivoChat offers flexible pricing plans to Buy JivoChat software online and accommodate businesses of different sizes and needs. The plans include:


  • Enterprise Plan: Advanced Jivo features for companies with 10 and more agents costs $38 Per agent per month if billed annually.


  • Professional Plan: To reduce your support team’s load and boost your sales with advanced Jivo features costs $19 Per agent per month if billed annually.


  • Basic Plan: Respond to customers both in the chat and messengers cost $0.


JivoChat also provides a 14-day Free trial of JivoChat software for every plan to test out the software and its features before making a purchasing decision.

Why Choose JivoChat?
JivoChat offers several compelling reasons for small businesses to choose it as their customer support software:


  • Enhanced customer experience: With real-time communication and personalized support, JivoChat ensures that businesses can meet customer expectations and deliver exceptional experiences, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.


  •  Improved efficiency: JivoChat’s AI-powered chatbots and visitor monitoring capabilities automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and optimize agent productivity, allowing businesses to handle more inquiries with fewer resources.


  • Increased sales: By engaging customers proactively and resolving their queries promptly, JivoChat helps businesses drive sales conversions, reduce cart abandonment, and boost revenue.


  • Cost-effective solution: JivoChat’s affordable pricing plans make it an ideal choice for startups and small businesses looking for feature-rich customer support software without breaking the bank.


  •  User-friendly interface: The intuitive interface of JivoChat makes it easy to navigate and use, requiring minimal training for agents to get started quickly.


JivoChat is an advanced live chat and customer support software designed to empower businesses in engaging with website visitors in real-time. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, JivoChat helps businesses streamline their customer support operations and enhance customer satisfaction. The software provides various communication channels, including live chat, phone calls, email, and social media messaging.

How to install JivoChat?
Installing JivoChat software is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps:


  • Step 1: Sign up for an account – Visit the JivoChat website and sign up for an account by providing your email address and creating a password.


  • Step 2: Customize your chat widget – Once you have created an account, you can customize the chat widget according to your branding preferences. You can choose colors, position, and design to ensure it seamlessly integrates with your website.


  • Step 3: Install the widget code – JivoChat provides a code snippet that needs to be placed on your website. You can either manually insert the code into the HTML of your website or use JivoChat’s plugins and extensions for popular website platforms like WordPress, Shopify, Magento, and others.


  • Step 4: Set up communication channels – After installing the widget, you can configure the communication channels you want to use, such as live chat, phone calls, email, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and more. This allows you to engage with customers through their preferred channels.


  • Step 5: Add agents and customize settings – Add your customer support agents to the JivoChat dashboard and configure settings according to your business requirements. You can assign specific roles, set up chat routing rules, and define automated responses to provide efficient support.

JivoChat Reviews
Customer reviews and feedback are vital in assessing the effectiveness and reliability of any software. JivoChat has received positive reviews from users who appreciate its user-friendly interface, multi-channel communication capabilities, and the efficiency of its AI-powered chatbots. Some customers have praised JivoChat for its ability to improve customer response times, increase sales conversions, and enhance overall customer satisfaction. The software’s visitor monitoring feature has been particularly appreciated, as it allows businesses to gain valuable insights into customer behavior and tailor their support accordingly. Users have also highlighted the software’s affordability, making it an attractive option for small businesses and startups with limited budgets.


However, it is important to note that not all reviews have been entirely positive. Some users have mentioned occasional glitches or technical issues, although JivoChat software for the customer support team has been praised for its responsiveness and helpfulness in resolving such problems.


Overall, JivoChat has received favorable reviews for its comprehensive set of features, ease of use, and ability to streamline customer support processes for businesses of all sizes.


Here are Jivochat ratings from some research websites: 


  • Capterra: 4.6 out of 5 based on 87 reviews.


  • G2: 4.8 out of 5 based on 46 reviews.

Add a Review to This Software
JivoChat has established itself as a reliable and feature-rich customer support software, specifically designed for small businesses and startups. With its multi-channel communication capabilities, AI-powered chatbots, visitor monitoring, and team collaboration features, JivoChat empowers businesses to provide exceptional customer support and enhance their online sales.


The software’s user-friendly interface, affordable pricing plans, and customizable chat widget make it a compelling choice for businesses looking to improve their customer support operations without investing significant resources. Furthermore, positive customer reviews validate its effectiveness in boosting customer satisfaction and driving sales conversions.


In conclusion, JivoChat software is a valuable asset for small businesses and startups, enabling them to deliver personalized and efficient customer support, build strong customer relationships, and ultimately achieve business growth in today’s competitive market.

Alternative Software
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