By OptinGun
About OptinGun
In today’s digital age, building an engaged and responsive email list is crucial for businesses and marketers to reach their target audience and drive conversions. Capturing leads effectively and nurturing them into loyal customers requires the right tools and strategies. That’s where OptinGun comes in. OptinGun is a powerful lead-generation software that enables businesses to create attractive opt-in forms, capture leads, and grow their email lists.
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OptinGun features
  • Email Opt-in Forms: At the core of OptinGun's functionality are its customisable email opt-in forms. These forms can be easily created and embedded on your website, allowing visitors to subscribe to your email list. OptinGun provides a variety of form templates to choose from, or you can create your customised form using the intuitive drag-and-drop builder.
  • Exit-Intent Technology: OptinGun utilises exit-intent technology, which detects when visitors are about to leave your website and triggers a targeted opt-in form to capture their information. This feature effectively converts abandoning visitors into leads and can significantly increase conversion rates.
OptinGun Alternatives
While OptinGun offers a robust set of features for lead generation, it’s worth exploring alternative tools to ensure you find the best fit for your business. Here are a few popular alternatives to consider:


Leadpages is a widely recognised lead generation tool that allows you to create high-converting landing pages, pop-ups, and alert bars. It offers a range of templates and customisation options, A/B testing capabilities and integrations with popular email marketing services.


ConvertKit is an email marketing platform with lead capture forms and landing page functionality. It’s known for its simplicity and user-friendly interface, making it a popular choice among creators and small businesses looking to grow their email lists.

OptinGun Demo: Exploring the Software’s Interface and Functionality

To explore OptinGun further, take advantage of their demo offering. A demo allows you to get a firsthand look at the software’s interface, features, and functionality. During the demo, you can navigate through the various sections of the software, create sample opt-in forms, and test out different customisation options.

OptinGun typically provides a guided tour of the software, showcasing its key features and highlighting how they can benefit your lead generation efforts. This hands-on experience allows you to assess the software’s user-friendliness and determine if it meets your functionality and ease of use expectations.

OptinGun Integrations: Streamlining Your Lead Generation Workflow

One of the advantages of using OptinGun is its ability to integrate seamlessly with other software and services you may already be using. Integrations can streamline your lead generation workflow, enabling you to automatically sync data and ensure a cohesive experience for your subscribers. Let’s explore some of the popular integrations offered by OptinGun:

Email Marketing Services:

OptinGun integrates with various email marketing services, allowing you to connect your opt-in forms with your preferred platform. Popular integrations include Mailchimp, Constant Contact, AWeber, GetResponse, and many more. By integrating your email marketing service, you can automatically add new leads captured through OptinGun to your email lists and simplify your email marketing processes.

CRM Platforms:

Integrating OptinGun with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms enables you to manage your leads effectively and nurture them throughout the customer journey. OptinGun offers integrations with popular CRM platforms such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM, allowing you to automatically transfer lead data to your CRM system for seamless lead management and follow-up.

OptinGun Email Opt-in: Building a High-Converting Subscriber Base

An effective email opt-in strategy is crucial for building a high-converting subscriber base. OptinGun offers a range of features and options to help you optimise your email opt-in forms and maximise your lead generation efforts. Here are some best practices to consider when using OptinGun for email opt-ins:

Placement and Visibility:

Strategically placing your opt-in forms in prominent website areas can increase their visibility and encourage visitors to subscribe. Consider placing opt-in forms above the fold, in sidebar widgets, or as exit-intent pop-ups to capture your audience’s attention.

Compelling Offer:

Provide an attractive offer or incentive to encourage visitors to subscribe. It could be a free e-book, a discount code, exclusive content, or access to a webinar. Communicate the value they will receive by subscribing to your email list.

OptinGun Lead Generation: Harnessing the Power of Captured Leads

Once you start capturing leads with OptinGun, it’s essential to have a strategy to harness those leads’ power and convert them into loyal customers. Here are some critical steps to consider for effective lead generation with OptinGun:

Welcome Email:

Immediately after a visitor subscribes to your email list, send them a welcome email to thank them for joining and set expectations for future communication. 

Segmentation and Personalisation:

Use the data captured through OptinGun to segment your email list and deliver personalised content to different audience segments. 

OptinGun WordPress Plugin: Seamless Integration with Your Website

If your website is built on WordPress, you’ll be pleased to know that OptinGun offers a dedicated WordPress plugin. The OptinGun WordPress plugin seamlessly integrates OptinGun’s opt-in forms and lead generation capabilities with your WordPress-powered site.

OptinGun Integration: Extending Functionality with Third-Party Tools

OptinGun offers integration with various third-party tools and services to extend its functionality and streamline your lead generation workflow. Let’s explore some of the popular integrations you can leverage with OptinGun:


OptinGun integrates with Zapier, a popular automation platform that connects different apps and services. With Zapier, you can create automated workflows (called “Zaps”) that connect OptinGun with hundreds of other apps, such as Google Sheets, Slack, CRM systems, and more. 

Google Analytics:

By integrating OptinGun with Google Analytics, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your opt-in forms and their impact on your website’s overall metrics. Tracking form submissions, conversion rates, and other relevant data can provide valuable information for optimising your lead-generation efforts.

OptinGun Sign-up Form: Creating an Engaging and Effective Form

The OptinGun sign-up form captures leads and grows your email list. To create an engaging and effective sign-up form, consider the following tips:

Keep it Simple:

OptinGun allows you to customise your sign-up form with different fields and options. However, it’s best to keep the form simple and only ask for essential information. The fewer fields you have, the higher the chances of visitors completing the form.

Clear Value Proposition:

Communicate the value proposition of subscribing to your email list. Explain what subscribers can expect to receive, whether it’s exclusive content, special offers, industry insights, or other benefits. Make sure visitors understand the value they’ll get by signing up.

OptinGun Pricing
When it comes to email marketing and lead generation, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference in the success of your campaigns. OptinGun is a powerful software solution offering various features to help businesses capture leads and build their email lists effectively. This article will look in-depth at OptinGun, exploring its pricing options and helping you determine which plan best suits your business needs.

OptinGun offers a variety of pricing plans to accommodate businesses of all sizes and budgets. Let’s dive into the different pricing tiers and the features they offer:

Free Plan:

OptinGun provides a free plan that allows users to get started with essential lead generation and opt-in email forms. The free plan lets you create simple sign-up forms and capture leads directly from your website. While it may have limitations compared to the paid plans, it’s a great way to try out the software and see if it aligns with your requirements.

Starter Plan:

The Starter Plan is the entry-level paid plan offered by OptinGun. Priced at $19 per month, it provides additional features and functionality beyond what the free plan offers. 

Growth Plan:

The Growth Plan is available for businesses ready to expand their email marketing efforts and use advanced lead generation features. This plan includes all the features of the Starter Plan and additional benefits and is priced at $39 per month.

Pro Plan:

The Pro Plan is the highest-tier plan offered by OptinGun, priced at $79 per month. This plan is tailored for businesses with extensive email marketing needs and larger audiences. 


In the digital era, a responsive email list is essential for business success. OptinGun, a powerful lead-generation software, simplifies this process by enabling businesses to create appealing opt-in forms, capture leads, and expand their email lists seamlessly.

OptinGun Reviews
To get a better understanding of how OptinGun performs in real-world scenarios, let’s take a look at what users have to say about the software:

User A:

“I’ve been using OptinGun for several months and am extremely satisfied with its performance. The interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, and the range of form types and customisation options is impressive”.

User B:

“As a small business owner, I needed a cost-effective solution for lead generation, and OptinGun has been a game-changer for me”.

Add a Review to This Software
In conclusion, OptinGun is a powerful lead generation software that offers a range of features to help you capture and nurture leads effectively. With its affordable pricing, extensive feature set, seamless WordPress integration, and third-party integrations, OptinGun provides a comprehensive solution for businesses and marketers looking to grow their email lists and boost conversions. By leveraging its features such as advanced targeting, A/B testing, customisation options, and integrate with popular email marketing services, you can optimise lead-generation efforts and drive tangible results.
Alternative Software
Viral Loops

Viral Loops is a referral marketing platform that enables businesses to create and manage viral marketing campaigns. It provides a range of tools and templates that simplify the process of launching referral programs, allowing companies to leverage the power of word-of-mouth to drive customer acquisition and growth. With Viral Loops, businesses can create custom referral campaigns, track their performance, and reward customers for referring their friends and contacts.

URL Profiler

URL Profiler stands out as a key tool in the realm of SEO, empowering professionals to extract valuable data from URLs for enhanced website performance. This article explores URL Profiler's pricing, features, alternatives, and its applications in SEO and website analysis, shedding light on how this tool contributes to success in search engine optimization.


UpViral is a comprehensive referral marketing platform that empowers businesses to run viral campaigns, drive organic growth, and boost customer engagement. It provides a suite of tools and features designed to maximize the potential of word-of-mouth marketing and incentivize customers to share products or services with their network.

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