Yodiz project management
by Yodiz project management
Yodiz project management software
Yodiz is a project management software created to help teams collaborate and control projects more efficiently. It supplies a range of features containing task management, issue tracking, project planning, and team communication tools.

Yodiz authorizes teams to build and manage projects using agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban, with customizable workflows to fit the team’s particular requirements. It supplies a dashboard to view project progress, team workload, and upcoming deadlines, further powerful reporting and analytics tools to help teams make informed conclusions.

Yodiz further integrates with additional tools like JIRA, GitHub, and Slack, making it easy for teams to organize their workflows and communicate in a more excellent manner.

Overall, Yodiz is a comprehensive project management solution that helps teams stay organized and on track, allowing them to deliver high-quality projects on time and within budget.

Yodiz features
  • Agile methodologies: Yodiz supports agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban, approving teams to control their projects with adaptable workflows and customizable boards.
  • Task management: Yodiz determines a task management system to form and assign tasks to team members accompanying deadlines, priorities, and status updates.
  • Issue tracking: Yodiz acknowledges teams to log and path issues and bugs within projects, assign them to team members, and prioritize them according to their importance.
  • Project planning: Yodiz supplies a project planning tool to construct and control project timelines, set milestones, and path progress against objectives.
  • Team communication: Yodiz provides built-in communication tools to facilitate team cooperation, containing real-time chat, comments, and notifications.
Yodiz alternatives
  • Asana: Asana is a project management software that helps teams path work, manage projects, and collaborate more effectively. It offers features like task management, team communication, and project planning.
  • Trello: Trello is a visual collaboration tool that uses boards, lists, and cards to ease teams organize and prioritize projects. It offers features like task management, team collaboration, and workflow automation.
  • JIRA: JIRA is a project management software created for software development teams. It offers features like agile project management, issue tracking, and team collaboration.
  • Monday.com: Monday.com is a project management software that supplies visual boards, timelines, and calendars to help teams manage projects and workflows. It offers features like task management, team collaboration, and automation.
  • Basecamp: Basecamp is a project management software that provides a centralized location for team communication, task management, and project plan. It offers features like team collaboration, file sharing, and project scheduling.
Who uses Yodiz?
Yodiz is used by teams and organizations of miscellaneous sizes and industries who demand a project management solution to control their projects more efficiently. It is particularly beneficial for software development teams who follow agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban. It is also used by product managers, project managers, and stakeholders who require to collaborate with their teams and manage projects effectively. Yodiz is appropriate for teams in industries like IT, marketing, healthcare, and education, among others.

This plan is for up to 3 users with unlimited projects and is hosted securely on AWS Cloud at a cost of $0 per month.

3.00 / month

This plan is for teams with simple needs and provides free apps & integrations at a pricing of $ 3/ month per user.

5.00 / month

This plan is for complete agile solution with premium support at a price of $ 5/ month per user.

SELF HOSTED- This plan is a customized plan and you need to contact the sales department for the pricing plan.

ConvertKit is an email marketing and automation platform designed primarily for creators, bloggers, and small businesses. It offers a user-friendly interface and a range of features to help users grow their audience, engage with their subscribers, and automate their email marketing efforts.

Yodiz issue tracking
Yodiz offers a robust issue tracking system that approves teams to log and path issues, bugs, and feature requests within their projects. It supplies the ability to assign issues to team members, prioritize them, and track their status. Yodiz further offers custom fields, tagging, and filtering options to help teams control their issues efficiently.
Yodiz sprint planning
Yodiz supports sprint planning for agile teams using Scrum methodology. Teams can form and prioritize consumer stories and tasks, estimate the time and effort required for each, and assign them to team members. Yodiz specifies customizable workflows, burndown charts, and sprint retrospectives to help teams manage their sprints efficiently.
Yodiz backlog management

 Yodiz supplies backlog management features that acknowledge teams to form and prioritize a list of consumer stories and tasks for their projects. Teams can estimate the effort required for each item, assign them to sprints, and path their progress. Yodiz provides filtering and sorting options to help teams manage their backlogs efficiently.

Yodiz team collaboration

 Yodiz proposes team collaboration features like real-time chat, comments, and notifications to facilitate communication between team members. Teams can further share files, build wikis, and mention team members in comments. Yodiz specifies a centralized location for team collaboration to improve efficiency and transparency.

Yodiz project reporting

 Yodiz supplies project reporting and analytics features to help teams form data-driven conclusions about their projects. Teams can view progress reports, burndown charts, and sprint velocity reports, among others. Yodiz further offers custom report creation and integration with business intelligence tools to determine deeper insights into project performance.

Yodiz time tracking

Yodiz offers time tracking features that acknowledge teams to path the time spent on tasks and consumer stories within projects. It specifies the ability to log time manually or utilizing a timer, and view reports on time spent by team members. Yodiz further integrates with third-party time tracking tools to provide a more comprehensive time tracking solution.

Yodiz project planning

Yodiz supplies project planning features that approve teams to create project roadmaps, set objectives and targets, and define project milestones. Teams can further create and accomplish tasks, consumer stories, and sprints, and assign them to team members. Yodiz determines customizable workflows and automation features to boost project planning efficiency.

Yodiz task management

Yodiz offers task management features that approve teams to create, assign, and path tasks within their projects. Teams can set due dates, prioritize tasks, and track their progress. Yodiz supplies the ability to generate subtasks and checklists, and offers filtering and sorting choices to help teams manage their tasks capably.

Yodiz project management tool

Yodiz is a project management tool that determines a comprehensive solution for controlling projects, tasks, issues, and sprints. It is planned for agile teams and offers features like real-time collaboration, time tracking, and project reporting. Yodiz still supplies customization choices to tailor the tool to specific team needs.

Yodiz comparisons
Yodiz vs Asana

 Some dissimilarities between Yodiz and Asana contain:

  • Agile vs. Traditional Project Management: Yodiz is created for agile teams utilizing Scrum or Kanban methodologies, while Asana is more suitable for traditional project management.
  • Customization: Yodiz proposes more customization choices than Asana, allowing teams to tailor the tool to their distinguishing requirements.
  • Pricing: Yodiz offers a more inexpensive costing plan than Asana, specifically for smaller teams.
  • Features: Yodiz offers features like issue tracking and sprint planning that are not available in Asana, while Asana presents features like custom templates and portfolio management that are not available in Yodiz.

Yodiz vs Trello

 Some dissimilarities between Yodiz and Trello contain:

  • Agile vs. Kanban: Yodiz is created for agile teams utilizing Scrum or Kanban methodologies, while Trello is generally adapted for Kanban-style project management.
  • Project Complexity: Yodiz is better suited for more complicated projects accompanying a larger number of tasks, while Trello is simpler and better suited for smaller projects with fewer tasks.
  • Customization: Yodiz offers more customization choices than Trello, approving teams to tailor the tool to their particular requirements.
  • Reporting: Yodiz offers more progressive reporting and analytics features than Trello, that maybe helpful for teams that require more in-depth analysis of their project performance.

Yodiz vs Basecamp

Some dissimilarities between Yodiz and Basecamp contain:

  • Agile vs. Traditional Project Management: Yodiz is designed for agile teams utilizing Scrum or Kanban methodologies, while Basecamp is more adapted for traditional project management.
  • Issue Tracking: Yodiz offers robust issue tracking functionality, while Basecamp does not offer as comprehensive issue tracking features.
  • Pricing: Yodiz offers a more affordable costing plan than Basecamp, specifically for smaller teams.
  • Collaboration: Basecamp offers more progressive collaboration features, like direct messaging and file storage, while Yodiz offers more restricted collaboration features.

Why should we pick Yodiz?
Additional features to pick Yodiz are:

  •   Reporting and analytics: Yodiz specify powerful reporting and analytics tools to help teams form data-driven decisions about their projects.
  •   Integrations: Yodiz integrates accompanying a range of tools like JIRA, GitHub, and Slack, assigning teams to organize their workflows and communicate more effectively.

Review Form
Yodiz is a comprehensive project management tool created particularly for agile teams utilizing Scrum or Kanban methodologies. It presents a range of features containing sprint planning, issue tracking, and backlog management. Yodiz is well customizable and offers advanced reporting and analytics features. Although there may be a bit of a learning curve for few consumers, Yodiz is mainly well-regarded for its adaptability and robust functionality. While there are additional project management tools on the market, Yodiz offers a unique set of features that make it a strong choice for teams looking for an agile-focused tool.
Alternative Software

ProjectLibre stands out as a powerful, free, and open-source project management software designed to simplify the planning, tracking, and control of projects. This versatile tool empowers users to create tasks, allocate resources, set deadlines, and monitor progress through visual aids such as Gantt charts and network diagrams.


ProjectManager.com emerges as a dynamic web-based project management software, offering teams the tools they need to plan, track, and collaborate on projects in real-time. This versatile platform encompasses a range of features, including task management, resource allocation, team communication, time tracking, and reporting.


ProWorkflow stands out as a cloud-based project management software designed to streamline project workflows for teams and businesses. It provides a comprehensive set of tools, including task management, time tracking, collaboration, invoicing, and reporting, to help organizations stay organized and efficient.

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